Blast from the Past

Recently I was challenged by my Chicago artist friend Joanne Aono to complete the "Facebook Artist Challenge."  Which means I have been asked to post 3 images of my art each day for 5 days in a row on Facebook.  So for fun I pulled a few photos from the past - starting from the very beginning.  You can see the posts/photos on my FB page. My very first wood carved  sculpture.

So here is a detail photo from my very first carved sculpture.  I am not counting the 4' tall santa claus I carved my mom for Christmas that year when I found myself too intimidated to whack away at the beautiful logs I had harvested with some smokejumper friends that autumn when I was a wilderness ranger.  After the santa, I got to work on the biggest log - a beautiful 11' tall spiral shaped lodgepole pine - the first in a series of five sculptures created as part of my Honor's Thesis about Magical Realism in contemporary Latin American literature.